For a better sleep …

Beat stress, anxiety, get more zZz's, wound care healing, insect bites naturally!
🌱 Plant the lid after use and grow BEE gardens!

Keep your farm calm NATURALLY!

Stay Calm Balm has powerful & natural ingredients to help you relax... The jar is also made from excess beeswax which would otherwise be wasted. It is a biodegradable replacement for plastic!

  • Stay Calm Balm
    Stay Calm Balm
  • Stay Calm Balm
    Stay Calm Balm
  • Stay Calm Balm
    Stay Calm Balm
  • Stay Calm Balm
    Stay Calm Balm
  • Stay Calm Balm
    Stay Calm Balm
Ingredients: Beeswax, Lavender Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Cocoa Butter, Sesame Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Mandarin Oil and Manuka Honey.
Regular price
🎙 PURCHASE before 1 December 2023 and BEE in to WIN a $500 SPA voucher at the location of your choice!
  • Why?

    Bees pollinate one-third of the food we eat. Without their efforts, we would lose many crops that we depend on including fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Plus, they pollinate other plants that animals like cattle depend on.

    That's why our jars were designed with intention. When you finish a Stay Calm Balm jar, plant the lid and grow a garden to support the bees in your yard! 🐝

  • How it works

    Step 1: Plant the lid of your jar face up in a small pot.

    Step 2: Water and place outside with love and care.

    Step 3: Watch your bee garden seeds sow and grow!

FREE SHIPPING 😴💤🪴🌱🐝🌎                   
  • ★★★★★

    “This balm has become part of my daily night-time ritual”

    - Jane F
  • ★★★★★

    “My mind is always buzzing after night shift. Stay Calm Balm does exactly what it says!”

    -Timothy s
  • ★★★★★

    “I've always been anxious when flying... This product has helped me so much!”

    Annie M

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